Sorry, folks, I’m reposting this (my first post) as my Blog page wasn’t refreshing and I had to reconfigure it :).
Ah, the dilemma of what to write in my inaugural blog post…. I’ve written many posts before on other sites and on different topics, ranging from effortless leadership to pairing wine with chocolate, so sitting down to write is not the issue. And it’s not that other posts haven’t come from my soul, they have, but from a different place and time.
Then I realized that all I really need do is check in with my soul, the supportive inner voice (not my eager ego voice or my inner mean girl voice) that guides me gently in knowing what to do or write about. I love that voice now that I’ve gotten deep in touch with her. She’s really the only one worth listening to.
So, let’s talk about her (the good voice). She’s a bit elusive because we’ve been acculturated to listen to those other voices that build us up or tear us down. The best way to begin knowing when she’s speaking to you is to know when she’s not. If the voice of your inner dialogue just tells you what you want to hear (“I’m right and they’re wrong”) or pumps you up with bravado (“look how clever I am”), well, I’m afraid that’s your ego talking. And if the voice criticizes you or belittles you (“wow, that was stupid” or “why can’t I ever say anything or do anything right?”), yup, that’s IMG (inner mean girl) taking you down.
The very first thing to do is start noticing what those other voices “sound” like in your head. Just notice the next time one pops up. What you’ll begin to realize is how often they talk to you; the chatter can be incessant and invasive. If you catch one of them in the midst of its one-sided conversation (it’s really a monologue), laugh and pat yourself on the back. Acknowledging they exist is a huge step.
The next step is a leap forward in your relationship with them and it’s really quite simple: ask them to stop. I had a hard talk with my inner mean girl awhile back and she went away for a very long time (I think she was away pouting). The beautiful thing is that when you know they’re there, you can stop them by laughing at yourself, doing a dance, or whatever takes their power away. It’s very liberating. And don’t worry about the strange looks you may get from other people. You are reclaiming your power.
What you’ll find is as those other voices lessen (I’m not sure they ever totally go away unless you are the Dalai Lama or Gandhi) and have less power over you, the supportive voice of your soul begins to come out of hiding because she feels heard, acknowledged and safe. Her gentle encouragement will be sweet to your ears. She’s the voice you want guiding you. You’ll know her when you hear her. Sometimes she reveals herself most in silence. It will be love at first word.
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