The other day I was listening to author, teacher and catalyst of the human potential movement, Dr. Jean Houston. She shared that staying open to guidance from our higher selves–just like yoga or meditation or any other activity where we open to ourselves–requires practice.
Maybe, just maybe, “practice” doesn’t mean “perfect.” It doesn’t have to feel so burdensome as if it is a chore or a routine or a discipline. Perhaps what becomes possible through our practice is an opening to grace. A way of getting unstuck.
And if we approach our practice with joy and laughter, she says, it “opens up closed valves.” Dr. Houston laughed uproariously in that moment. It made me giggle too.
Reaching out to another and giving brings us unexpected grace. Taking a crazy journey or going to the beach (that’s a fave of mine). Doing the unexpected. Writing in our journal about where we are stuck. All these practices, that don’t really look like practices, break the pattern of our stuckness and open us wide to our inner guidance.
I absolutely loved this particular gem from Dr. Houston: ask yourself, “Where and when am I not stuck?” Find the person (or persona) you are in that moment and activate her. Bring her to your “let’s get unstuck” party. We have so many inspiring aspects of ourselves to access: there’s our inner Warrior, our Adventurer, our Dreamer, our Achiever or our Nurturer. Any or all of them can help us get unstuck.
So, guess where I’m going? To the beach with my inner Magical Child to feel the warmth of the sun on my face, hear the waves crashing, and be open to grace. There and with Her, I am not stuck.